JCM Cargo Network Corporation, an international freight forwarder was founded by its President and CEO Renato Ayson 27 years ago.

“The past 27 years was my life’s work. It can be said that I have spent a great part of my life growing this business. Before this pandemic started we were serving a stream of regular clients who exports and imports various raw materials, kitchenware, and industrial cables, among others. My fleet is busy all year round,” Renato recalled.

When the travel restrictions were imposed, movement of products to and from the country was affected and the operations of JCM drastically dropped by 60%. 

“During this point, we were hardly earning. Maswerte na kung mag-break even,” he said.

But Renato was not just going to give up. He tried his best to retain his employees. He tried various work arrangements for his employees. 

“Nag-skeletal work schedule kami. After a while nagbawas na din ng number days of work at nag-cut ng mga unnecessary expenses,” Renato shared.

Renato admittedly shared that he needed to find means to pay his employees and sustain operations when the quarantine restrictions were lifted and they were allowed to operate again.

I saw an article on the newspaper about Bayanihan CARES and I took the chance. We needed the money. Baka ma-approve. Wala namang mawawala kung susubukan and I’m glad I did,Renato shared.

With the Bayanihan CARES loan, Renato was able to pay the bonuses of his employees and supplement his working capital.

We were all caught unprepared. The challenges I experienced were nothing like anything I have ever experienced in the past 27 years I have been doing business. But I believe that things will get better. Kailangan ng mga tao ang trabaho kaya dapat manatiling nakatayo ang mga negosyo,Renato concluded.